- Pada pembahasan materi bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP, kita akan belajar materi Don't forget it, please!
Tepatnya, kamu akan menulis sebuah pesan atau notes di dalam soalnya.
Pesan yang dituliskan ditujukan kepada tiga orang berbeda dengan isi yang berbeda pula.
Pesan ini ditujukan kepada saudara laki-laki (brother), saudara perempuan (sister), dan orang tua (parents).
Soalnya ada dalam buku Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII edisi revisi 2017, Chapter 12 halaman 205.
Simak soalnya berikut ini!
We will work in groups.
We will learn to write three different notes, one for our brother, one for our sister and one for our parents.
1. For brother
Dear brother,
Good luck on the college entrance exams you'll be taking!
I'm sure you can get the best results because of your hard work so far.
Sorry I can't accompany you because I have to go to school.
Good luck, brother!
your favourite sister
2. For sister
Dear sister,
Don't forget to drink the milk that I bought for you last night.
Don't be lazy to drink milk so you grow strong and healthy.
I don't want to see you sick again!
Your sister
Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan To Do in The Evening and Any Time, Chapter 12 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII
3. For parents
Dear Mom and Dad,
Today I will come home late because I have to do group assignments with my friends.
I will work in the city library with my group friends.
I make sure that I won't come home too late and will come home soon after finishing my assignments.
Itulah pembahasan soal yang menuliskan tiga catatan dalam materi Don't forget, it!
Ayo kunjungiadjar.iddan baca artikel-artikel pelajaran untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar dan menambah pengetahuanmu. Makin pintar belajar ditemani, dunia pelajaran anak Indonesia.