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Jawab Pertanyaan Describing Animal, Chapter 7 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

Describing animal, Chapter 7 materi My uncle is a zookeeper, kelas VIII SMP. - Pada pembahasan materi bahasa Inggris kelas VIII kali ini, kita akan belajar My uncle is a zookeeper.

Apakah kamu punya hewan peliharaan, Kids?

Nah, masing-masing hewan memiliki deskripsi dan karakteristiknya sendiri yang membuat mereka unik satu sama lain.

Nantinya, kita akan melihat lebih dekat pada deskripsi hewan yang ada di halaman sebelumnya dan menggunakan tabel untuk menganalisisnya.

Soalnya terdapat pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 7 halaman 90 tentang find three different animals and describe them one by one.

Pembahasan soal kali ini dapat kamu jadikan sebagai referensimu.

Yuk, kita simak!

There are many animals around us. We will find three different animals and describe them one by one.

Ada banyak hewan di sekitar kita. Kami akan menemukan tiga hewan yang berbeda dan menggambarkan mereka satu per satu.

1. Animal : Rabbits

Habitat : They live in burrows.

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Food : They eat carrots.

Activity : They hop.

Characteristics :

- Rabbits are tame animals.

- They have two long ears.


Rabbits are tame animals. They have two long ears. They eat carrots. They hop. They live in burrows.

2. Animal: Cat

Habitat : Cat is extremely adaptable and can survive in the hottest deserts, on the highest mountains, or at home as a pet.

Food : Cats are meat-eaters.

Activity : Cats prefer to sleep and hang out in places with good vantage points.

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Characteristics :

- A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws.

- Cats are often kept as pets.


A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws. Cat is extremely adaptable and can survive in the hottest deserts, on the highest mountains, or at home as a pet.

Cat enjoy eats meat, sleep and hang out in places with good vantage points. Usually cats are often kept as pets.

Nah, itu dia pembahasan soal tentang describing animal pada materi My uncle is a zookeeper.


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