Contoh Report Text tentang Laut atau The Sea dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh report text tentang laut atau the sea dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh report text tentang laut atau the sea dalam bahasa Inggris. - Teks laporan atau report text merupakan laporan tentang peristiwa alam, gejala sosial, benda mati, atau lingkungan sekitar kita.

Report text memberikan informasi informasi rinci mengenai sesuatu secara umum.  

Tujuan utama dari report text adalah untuk menginformasikan informasi detail suatu objek.

Agar kamu lebih mudah memahaminya, simak contoh report text tentang laut atau the sea.

Yuk, langsung saja kita simak di sini!

The Sea

The beauty of the seabed can no longer be denied. In these waters it is easy to find many marine fish ranging from small to large. The beauty of the coral reefs on the seabed beautifies the contents of the ocean.

Then, in the sea you can find many interesting species. The vast expanse of water makes the sea a haven for many fish.

The sea, which holds many natural resources, can generate many benefits for people living in the surrounding area. Then, there is no need to doubt the beauty that exists in the sea.

The water in the sea will ebb and flow over time. There are also many divers who encounter interesting marine animals.

The scenery presented at sea is very interesting. Interestingly, the cold air and the distinctive aroma of the ocean make it very enjoyable to enjoy.

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