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Jawab Pertanyaan 'Ask Our Teacher', Chapter 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

Ask Our Teacher, materi It's English Time! kelas VIII SMP. - Pada pembahasan materi bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP, kita akan belajar It's English Time!

Kita diminta untuk menanyakan pendapat guru tentang benda atau orang yang ada di dalam kelas.

Soalnya terdapat pada buku Bahasa Inggris Chapter 1, halaman 12, materi It's English Time!, soal 'ask our classmates'.

Berikut adalah pembahasan soalnya yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi!

We will ask our teacher what he/she thinks about some people and things in the classroom.

1. Gina: What do you think about our class winning the cleaning competition?

Mrs. Hara: I am very happy because you won the cleaning competition.

I know how you are very serious about how to clean and decorate a class to make it a fun and comfortable class for learning.

I congratulate you on your victory in the cleanliness contest.

2. Desta: What do you think about students who skip class?

Pak Siwi: I feel disappointed with them. Even though school activities and lessons are there for their good in the future.

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One of the attitudes they failed to learn was honesty and discipline at school by them skipping my classes.