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Jawab Pertanyaan 'Get Other's Attention', Chapter 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

Get other's attention, Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII materi 'It’s English Time!'. - Pada pembahasan materi bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP kali ini, kita akan belajar It's English Time!

Tepatnya, kamu mempelajari tentang get other's attention. Apa itu?

Jika diartikan ke bahasa Indonesia, get other's attention adalah 'mendapatkan perhatian orang lain'.

Kamu diminta untuk menyampaikan secara lisan yang sekiranya akan dikatakan oleh karakter ketika meminta perhatian.

Soalnya terdapat dalam buku Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII, Chapter 1, halaman 12, materi It's English Time!

Berikut adalah pembahasan soalnya yang dapat kamu jadikan referensi!

First, our teacher will ask what the teacher and the students in the conversations on page 4-7 say to get others’ attention.

1. To get the students’ attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Everybody, may I have your attention, please?

2. To get Siti’s attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Siti, please pay attention.

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3. To get the students’ attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Everybody, listen to me.

4. To get Edo’s attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Edo, can you focus?

5. To get the students’ attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Attention, please!

6. To get Dayu’s attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Hey, Dayu focus on the class!

7. To get the students’ attention, the teacher says ...

Answer: Attention, please! Attention, please!

8. To get Edo’s attention, the teacher says ...

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Answer: Hey, Edo, don’t talk in the class!

Nah, itulah pembahasan soal get other's attention pada materi It's English Time!.

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