2. The clinic
Where is the clinic of the school?
(Di manakah klinik sekolah?)
You can go straight through school yard until you meet the corridor and goes through clinic.
(Kamu bisa berjalan lurus melalui lapangan sekolah sampai bertemu koridor dan langsung menuju ke klinik)
The room is between 9 grader's classroom and Principal's office.
(Ruangan ada di antara ruang kelas 9 dan kantor kepala sekolah)
3. The boy's toilet
Where is the Boy's toilet?
Baca Juga: Chapter 5 Unit 1: 'This is My School' hlm. 205-208, English For Nusantara VII SMP
(Di manakah toilet anak laki-laki?)
Turn right. Go straight forward, besides the library there is a girl's toilet. The boy's toilet is beside them.
(Belok kanan. Jalan terus, di sebelah perpustakaan ada toilet anak perempuan. Toilet anak laki-laki ada di sebelahnya)
4. The musalla
Turn right. Go straight forward until you found the library.