- Halo, Kids, kembali lagi di artikel Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) materi bahasa Inggris kelas VII SMP.
Pada buku English For Nusantara VII SMP kamu akan diajak masuk ke chapter baru yaitu Chapter 5 yaitu "This is My School".
Di chapter kali ini kamu akan diajak melihat tiga Learning Objectives, di antaranya:
1. Unit 1 = School Building (Asking for and giving directions at school)
2. Unit 2 = Extracurricular Activities (Talking about extracurricular activities)
3. Unit 3 = A School Festival (Describing a school festival)
Nah, kali ini kamu akan diajak fokus ke Unit 1 yaitu School Buildings, berupa gambar 5.1 tentang SMP Merdeka.
a. What can you see in the Picture 5.1?
answer: there is SMP Merdeka school building in the picture.
b. Give a check to the facilities that you can see in the picture.
Baca Juga: Chapter 4 Unit 3: Section 4 'Language Focus' hlm. 191-193, English for Nusantara VII SMP