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Contoh Percakapan Expression of Giving Opinion dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh expression of giving opinion dalam bahasa Inggris. - Saat kita memberikan opini, kita juga harus memberikan alasan yang kuat.

Apa sih, yang dimaksud dengan opini?

Opini merupakan pemikiran dari sudut pandang seseorang.

Di dalam bahasa Inggris, opini bisa diungkapkan lewat beberapa kata, yaitu:

In my opinion…

What I mean is….

I think….

Personally, I think….

In my experience...

As i understand…

From my point of view…

Baca Juga: Jangan Sampai Keliru, Ini 5 Kata Bahasa Inggris yang Pengucapannya Mirip

I reckon…

I am compelled to say…

To my mind…

I would like to point out that.

Ketika kita tak menyetujui opini orang lain, hal tersebut bisa diungkapkan dengan kata, yaitu:

I am sorry, i don’t agree with you

I don’t agree with you

I don’t belive that

I can’t say i agree with this, and here’s why…

I disagree with you I think you’re wrong.

Contoh Expression of Giving Opinion

Baca Juga: Contoh Penggunaan Kata Everyone dan Everybody dalam Bahasa Inggris

Buying a new car

A: I think we should buy a new car.

B: Why? Our old car is fine and functional.

A: But, our cars have been left behind by the times.

B:.I am sorry, I don’t agree with you.

A: Why? It is also profitable because it follows the development of technology, and we have much money.

B: I don’t think so. We can buy that next time.


A: What kind of music do you like?

B: I like rock and roll.

A: How can you like rock and roll? It is loud.

Baca Juga: Contoh Ungkapan Simpati dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

B: Personally, i think rock and roll can makes mind happy. Music like that doesn't make you sleepy.

A: I don’t think i agree with you.

B: No problem, Everyone's favorite music is different. But, you must try to listen and enjoy that music next time.

A: I hope it can.

Nah, itu dia penjelasan dan contoh expression of giving opinion dalam bahasa Inggris.


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