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Chapter 2 Unit 3: Section 5 'Language Focus' hlm. 90-91, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Sup sayuran biasanya terdiri dari berbagai macam atau jenis sayuran, misalnya wortel, kacang polong, kentang, jamur, dan masih banyak lagi.

1. Situation:

Monita's mom wants her to help by taking some eggs from the fridge.

Answer: Take some eggs from the fridge (Ambil beberapa telur dari kulkas)

2. Situation:

Monita and her mom are in the kitchen. She wants Monita to peel and cut the carrot to make vegetable soup.

Answer: Please, help me peel and cut the carrot for vegetable soup (Tolong, bantu kupas dan potong wortel untuk sup sayur)

3. Situation:

Ibu Posma asks Sinta to buy cooking oil.

Answer: Sinta, go buy cooking oil in the warung! (Sinta, pergilah beli minyak goreng di warung!)

4. Situation:

Ibu Posma asks Galang to prepare some plates for dinner.

Baca Juga: Chapter 2 Unit 2: Section 5 'Language Focus' English For Nusantara VII SMP

Answer: Prepare some plates for dinner (Persiapkan beberapa piring untuk makan malam)

5. Situation:

Sinta asks Ara to wash her hands.

Answer: Ara, wash your hands first! (Ara, cuci tanganmu dulu!)

What is the function of imperative sentences?
Hint, check again page 1.


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