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Chapter 2 Unit 3 'A Secret Recipe' Worksheet 2.18, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Pada artikel BDR English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu masih akan membahas Chapter 2, tp masuk ke Section 3 yaitu A Secret Recipe.

10. knife = pisau

11. napkin = serbet

12. chopstick = sumpit

1. What do you do with the utensils in the kitchen?

- I use the ladle to

- I use the spoon to .

- I use a napkin to

2. What do you do with the ingredients in the kitchen?

- I the vegetable into small pieces.

- I  the stove to start cooking

Baca Juga: Chapter 2 Unit 2: Section 4 'Your Turn: Reading' English For Nusantara VII SMP

- I  the oil into the pan.

What kind of ingriedients that always use for cooking in the kitchen?
Hint, check again page 1.


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