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Unit 2 English For Nusantara 'Pak Edo's Hobby', Bahasa Inggris VII SMP

Pada artikel BDR Bahasa Inggris VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak menyoroti teks berjudul 'Pak Edo's Hobby' dan menjawab pertanyaan di worksheet 1.19.

Answer: on weekends, either saturday or sunday.

3. They ride their bicycles together on weekends. What does the word 'they' refer to?

Answer: Pak Edo, his wife, and their children.

4. Do you agree with Pak Edo that cycling is useful for health and the environment? Explain.

Answer: Yap, because it's good for immune system also good because doing bicycling around the park or town not release any pollution.

5. Why does Pak Edo wear his helmet whenever he goes cycling?

Answer: It's for safety so Pak Edo can prevent any injure if unexpected and unwanted accident happens.

Why Pak Edo likes go bicycling in the park every morning?
Hint, check again page 1.


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