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Menjawab Pertanyaan Unit 4 Activity 4, English for Change XI SMA

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Activity 4

Listen to the audio carefully. The audio will be played twice. Mark whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. Statement: The fun thing is that Nina participated in a demonstration in kindergarten.

True/False: False (F)

2. Statement: Nina is dealing with polluting waste in the mountain.

True/False: False (F)

3. Statement: Nina’s daily habits are very connected with the environment.

True/False: True (T)

4. Statement: Teacher teaches Nina to reduce single-use plastic.

True/False: False (F)

Baca Juga: Menjawab Pertanyaan Unit 4 Activity 5, English for Change XI SMA

5. Statement: Developed countries are mad for what Nina has done. 

True/False: False (F)


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