Gilang: Oh, aku mau menghabiskan liburanku untuk menyelesaikan membaca semua novelku. Aku hampir tidak punya waktu untuk membacanya karena kita punya banyak tugas belakangan ini.
Raka: Oh, begitu. Oke, selamat bersenang-senang semuanya!
Contoh Dialog Berdiskusi tentang Tugas Kelompok
Karina: Alright, Friends. What will we make for this project?
Tio: Don’t you think making a short video is cool?
Lila: Oh, I think it’s great.
Roni: I agree. I’ll make the script.
Tio: Yeah, I want to be the cameraman.
Karina: Okay. I’m planning to prepare the properties. And you, Lila? Would you like to be the main character?
Lila: Oh, okay. I would like to practice first so that I won’t be nervous in front of the camera.
Karina: Great! Remember guys, we also have to participate in the video.