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Galang and Andre Learning Tips, English for Nusantara VII SMP

Online class

a. Ibu Ayu asks her students to make an infographic to show their learning tips. Here are the infographics made by Galang and Andre. Read their infographics.

b. Based on Galang and Andre’s infographics at Picture 4.6, answer the following questions.

1. What is Galang’s tip to make your study time more effective?

Galang’s tip to make study time more effective is to make a to do list.

2. Why does Andre suggest making an online class schedule?

Andre suggests making an online class schedule to help students to be always ready to join online classes.

3. Do you agree with Andre to be active in a class discussion? Why?

Yes, I agree. Because we can learn to share our ideas with others.

4. Do you think ‘break-time’ is important? Why?

Yes, I think 'break-time' is important, because it helps us to refresh our mind.

Baca Juga: Menyusun Kata Acak, Worksheet 4.19 English for Nusantara untuk VII SMP

5. Do you find similarities between Galang’s and Andre’s Infographics? What are they?

Yes, there are similarities between Galang’s and Andre’s Infographics, such as prepare comfort place, make to do list or study plan, join class discussion, and review the topic.


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