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Menjawab Soal Progress Check 1: Conversation, English for Nusantara untuk VII SMP

Mengerjakan Progress Check 1: Conversation pada halaman 152 English for Nusantara VII SMP

Yuk, langsung saja kita mengisi pertanyaan yang ada pada halaman 152 buka English for Nusantara untuk siswa kelas VII SMP!


For numbers 13-17, complete the dialogue with appropriate words.

Galang : Come in, Andre.

Andre : Wow. Is this your bedroom? It is so (13) .

Galang : Well, I don’t think it is that tidy. I feel like it’s still (14) .

Andre : Why do you think so?

Galang : I have too many books and I don’t know where to store them. My drawers are full. That is why I put some of them (15)  my bed.

Andre : Don’t you think it is too dusty to put your books there? There is usually a lot of (16) under the bed.

Galang : Yeah… but I don’t know where else I should put them.

Andre : Why don’t you donate the books you don’t read anymore? I know a place to donate books.

Baca Juga: Cara Penggunaan 's dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Galang : That’s a great idea! Will you help me sort the books?

Andre : Sure! Let’s start by putting the books out. Then, we can (17) them from the dust together.

Galang : Okay. Thank you, Andre.


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