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The Process of Recycling Tissue Paper, Bahasa Inggris VII SMP

Cara mendaur ulang kertas tisu

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b. What materials or equipment do you need to recycle tissue paper? Write them in the list.

c. Underline the action words from the list that you need to talk about the process.

e. Look at the process of recycling tissue paper again and answer the questions.

1. What is the goal of the activity?    Apa tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut?

The goal of the activity is to recycle tissue paperTujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah mendaur ulang kertas tisu

2. What are the materials or equipment needed in the process?    Bahan-bahan atau peralatan apa yang dibutuhkan dalam prosesnya?

The materials and equipment needed in the process are:Bahan-bahan atau peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam prosesnya adalah:

Baca Juga: Procedural Text: Penjelasan, Ciri-Ciri, Struktur, dan Contohnya

3. What are the steps in making recycled tissue paper?    Apa saja langkah-langkah dalam mendaur ulang kertas tisu?

1. First, fill the bowl with warm water.    Pertama, isi mangkuk dengan air hangat.

2. Tear the tissue paper into small pieces.    Sobek kertas tisu menjadi potongan-potongan kecil.