- Dalam materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Kurikulum Merdeka untuk siswa kelas VII SMP, kita akan menjawab pertanyaan dari sebuah bacaan.
Pada chapter 1 pada English for Nusantara, kita akan belajar dengan tema About Me.
Salah satunya adalah bacaan dan pertanyaan tentang Made, the Basketball Player.
Nah, kali ini GridKids akan membantumu mengisi jawaban dari soal-soal yang ada tentang Made.
Dalam bacaan ini, terdapat dua bagian pertanyaan.
Pertama adalah menjawab soal berdasarkan teks.
Kedua, adalah mengisi tabel berdasarkan bacaan yang ada pada Made, the Basketball Player.
Made adalah seorang pemain basket, Kids.
Namun, ia berbeda dengan teman-temannya karena ada hal yang membuat Made spesial.
Yuk, langsung saja kita jawab soal-soal dalam pertanyaan yang ada pada bacaan Made, the Basketball Player!
Kamu bisa menggunakannya untuk referensimu belajar, ya.
Baca Juga: 30 Kosakata Hobi dalam Bahasa Inggris, Materi Kelas VII SMP
a. Read a text about Made, the Basketball Player.
Made, the Basketball Player
Made is Galang’s friend. He is 14 years old. He is very friendly. He has a lot of friends. Made has short, black hair. He always wears a cap wherever he goes.
Made is special. He uses a crutch and sometimes uses a wheelchair. He likes playing basketball. He plays for a basketball team called Kalimantan Wheelchair Basketball. He practices basketball once a week on Saturday. His teammates are proud of him. Together, they make a very good basketball team.
b. Answer the questions based on the text.
1. Who is Made?
Made is Galang's friend.
2. How old is he?
Made is 14 years old.
3. Describe Made’s physical and personality traits.
Made has short and black hair. He is very friendly.
VII SMPBaca Juga: Subject Pronouns dalam Bahasa Inggris: Penjelasan dan Contohnya
4. What is special about Made?
Made is special because he uses a crutch and sometimes uses a wheelchair.
5. How often does he practice?
Made practices basketball once a week on Saturday.
6. How do the teammates feel about Made?
The teammates are proud of Made.
c. Complete Worksheet 1.24 with the correct information from the text.
Regular Activities | Facts |
1. He always wears a capwherever he goes. | He is 14 years old. |
2. He uses a crutch and sometimes uses a wheelchair. | He has short and black hair. |
3. He practices basketball once a week on Saturday. | He plays for a basketball team called Kalimantan Wheelchair Basketball. |
Baca Juga: Contoh 22 Instructions dalam Bahasa Inggris, Materi Kelas VII SMP
Nah, itulah jawaban soal-soal dari pertanyaan Made, the Basketball Player.
Hal ini merupakan materi Bahasa Inggris pada Kurikulum Merdeka untuk siswa kelas VII SMP.
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