Ost. Film 'Tangled', Ini Chord dan Lirik Lagu ‘I See The Light’

8 Juni 2020 17:15 WIB
Chord dan Lirik Lagu ‘I See The Light’
Chord dan Lirik Lagu ‘I See The Light’ ( YouTube Gresandy Aulia)

Sonora.ID - Lagu yang berjudul ‘I See The Light’ ini adalah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Mandy Moore dan Zachary Levi dalam film ‘Tangled’.

Menjadi Original Soundtrack dari film ‘Tangled’, lagu ini pun mendapatkan nominasi dalam Acamedy Award sebagai Best Orginial Song .

Lirik lagu 'I See The Light' ditulis oleh komposer Alan Menken dan penulis lirik Glenn Slater.

Secara lirik, "I See the Light" menggambarkan hubungan romantis yang berkembang antara Rapunzel dan Flynn, dan ditampilkan sebagai lagu ketujuh di album soundtrack film tersebut .

Berikut ini adalah Chord dan Lirik Lagu ‘I See The Light’.

Baca Juga: Film Dokumenter 'The Beatles: Get Back' akan Jadi Serial Tiga Bagian di Disney+


All those days

G                 C

Watching from the windows


All those years

G               C

Outside looking in


All that time

C          G

Never even knowing

C        D7          G

Just how blind I've been


Now I'm here

G               C

Blinking in the starlight


Now I'm here

G          C

Suddenly I see


Standing here


It's oh, so clear

    Am        D7       G

I'm where I'm meant to be

       F               C

And at last, I see the light

         G                C

And it's like the fog has lifted

       F               C

And at last, I see the light

         Em              Am

And it's like the sky is new

         F                 C

And it's warm and real and bright

        Em                F

And the world has somehow shifted


All at once

G                C

Everything looks different

F        G     C

Now that I see you


All those days

Bb             Eb

Chasing down a daydream


All those years

Bb          Eb

Living in a blur


All that time

Eb          Bb

Never truly seeing

Eb         F7       Bb

Things the way they were


Now she's here

Bb             Eb

Shining in the starlight


Now she's here

Bb         Eb

Suddenly I know


If she's here


It's crystal clear

    Cm        F7       Bb

I'm where I'm meant to go

       Ab              Eb

And at last, I see the light

         Bb               Eb

And it's like the fog has lifted

       Ab              Eb

And at last, I see the light

         G7              Cm

And it's like the sky is new

         Ab                Eb

And it's warm and real and bright

        Gm                Ab

And the world has somehow shifted


All at once

Bb            Eb

Everything is different

Ab       Bb    Eb  Eb/D  Cm  F9

Now that I see you


Now that I see you...

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu dan Chord Gitar 'Love Is an Open Door' Ost. Frozen

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