1. Monita reads a book about bekantan. (A book about bekantan is read by Monita.)
2. Helmeted hornbills feed their chicks.(Chicks are fed by helmeted hornbills.) 3. Pipit takes a notebook when she does the bird watch.(A notebook is taken by Pipit when she does the bird watch.) 4. Some people hunt helmeted hornbills.(Helmeted hornbills are hunted by some people.)
5. Bekantan sometimes consumes fruits.(Fruits are sometimes consumed by bekantan.)
Nah, itulah informasi tentang referensi jawaban Worksheet 1.21 dan 1.22 Halaman 65-66.
Pertanyaan: Apa yang dimaksud dengan kalimat pasif? |
Petunjuk: Cek di halaman 1. |
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