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Chapter 5 Unit 2: Section 3 'Language Focus' hlm. 223, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Artikel BDR English For Nusantara kali ini masuk ke Chapter 5 Unit 2 Section 3 tentang Language Focus. Seperti apa uraiannya?

b. Worksheet 5.11

Now, look at the pictures in section 2a again. Using the verbs that you have listed in Section 2b, write what student do in each extracurricular activity. Number one has been done as an example for you. Add information about time and place too.

1. In an English club, student read books in English every week. They also practice speaking in English.

(Di Club berbahasa Inggris, murid-murid akan membaca buku dalam bahasa Inggris tiap minggu. Mereka juga akan belajar bicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris)

2. In Basketball club, student practice how to dribble, pass, shoot the ball precisely. They practice every Friday in basketball court besides the school.

(Di club basket, murid akan belajar bagaimana cara men-dribble, mengoper, dan melemparkan bola ke dalam ring secara tepat. Mereka selalu berlatih pada jumat di lapangan basket sebelah sekolah)

3. In Science club, the student do the experiment, try variabels, and compare the result of it. They meet every wednesday and discuss together about the experiment.

(Di club sains, murid- akan melakukan percobaan, mencoba variabel atau kemungkinan, membagikan hasil dari temuannya. Mereka bertemu tiap hari rabu untuk mendiskusikan tentang percobaan)

4. In painting extracurricular, students can learn how to draw, doing coloring, also sketch the object that they'd interested in. They do the meeting every Monday.

(Di ekstrakulikuler melukis, murid belajar untuk menggambar, melakukan pewarnaan, hingga membuat sketsa objek yang menarik menurut mereka. Mereka akan mengadakan pertemuan tiap hari Senin)

5. Students in Pencak Silat Club learning how to kick, punch, and block the attack skilfully. They practice every friday in school yard.

Baca Juga: Chapter 5 Unit 1: Section 4 'Language Focus' hlm. 121-124, English For Nusantara VII SMP