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Chapter 4 Unit 3: Section 3 'Reading' hlm. 188-191, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Beberapa orang punya kebiasaan belajar yang berbeda. Di materi BDR English For Nusantara kali ini kamu akan diajak melihat kebiasaan belajar Andre.

Baca Juga: Chapter 4 Unit 3: Section 2 'Reading' hlm. 184-186, English For Nusantara VII SMP

4. What does he use to set the reminders?

He frequently sets reminders on his cellphone or on sticky notes.

5. Does he like wasting time?

No, he doesn't like wasting time.

Write down Andre's study habits into the following categories

Study Goals and Time Management

1. He sets study goals - He makes a schedule

2. He develops a study plan - He uses a weekly to-do list

3. He writes down homework assignment - He plans a specific time for studying

4. He breaks down homework assignment into smaller task - He sets reminder